Increase team effectiveness and Outcomes Via greater Engagement, clarity, & Alignment.

  • The amount of work done via teamwork is increasing year-over-year

  • Teams typically operate at 50-75% of their potential effectiveness. Multiply that by the volume of work done in teams (estimated at 60%), and the potential lost value is staggering

  • A team coach increases team effectiveness and engagement via “helpful interventions” focused on improving task processes and team member engagement

  • As a team coach, I observe and assesses team structure, processes, and dynamics, uncovering opportunities for increased team effectiveness and engagement to improve results and increase team-member satisfaction

Tools to Improve Team Effectiveness


Enneagram iEQ9

Explore interpersonal dynamics and engagement, with particular emphasis on team member communication and conflict styles.


Leadership Circle Profile

Individual and 360 assessment tool to evaluate individual and team member effectiveness across relationship and task processes.


Team Diagnostic Survey

A well-validated instrument designed to diagnose the strengths and weaknesses of teams, with intent to structure useful interventions.